
Data Breach, Cyber Alert Monday 12-09-2019

Last week, ransomware costs companies on multiple fronts, phishing scams have extensive data security consequences, and companies fail to adequately evaluate their third-party data sharing standards. United States – DeBella’s Subs Exploit: Malware attackDeBella’s Subs: Rochester-based restaurant chain Risk to Small Business: 2 = Severe: Credential stealing malware was discovered in the restaurant chain’s

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Protect Your VPN With MFA With These 5 Tips

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are a tried and true method for providing remote access to internal applications. Essentially, they create a private, encrypted tunnel for an off-site user to connect to applications in a corporate data center. But VPNs aren’t a silver bullet – organizations that provide users with just

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Data Breach, Cyber Alert Monday 12-02-2019

Last week, compromised email accounts expose IT infrastructure, a Disney+ data breach exposed credentials to the Dark Web, and cybersecurity incidents are expected to rise this Holiday season. United States – Select Health Network Exploit: Unauthorized email account accessSelect Health Network: Indiana-based collection of healthcare providers Risk to Small Business: 1.444 = Extreme: An

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Data Breach, Cyber Alert Monday 11-25-2019

Last week, ransomware erodes profitability, healthcare providers struggle to protect PII, and data breaches officially reach an all-time high. United States – SmartASP.NET Exploit: Ransomware attackSmartASP.NET: Web hosting platform Risk to Small Business: 2 = Severe: Hackers encrypted the web hosting platform’s data, crippling both its IT infrastructure and customer data. After the

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Merry Cyber Threat‘ness

Cybercriminals don’t take a holiday. In fact, the coming holidays are the busy season for hackers to wreak digital mischief. Black Friday and shopping online go hand in hand during today’s mostly online purchasing behaviors. Whether it’s Black Friday or Cyber Monday, many malicious threats can take advantage of your

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Data Breach, Cyber Alert Monday 11-18-2019

 Last week, healthcare data targeted by cybercriminals, lax security compromises PII, and Google has access to personal health information of millions. United States – InterMed  Exploit: Compromised email accountInterMed: Maine-based physician group Risk to Small Business: 1.777 = Severe: Hackers gained access to four employee email accounts that contained patients’ protected health information.

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Data Breach, Cyber Alert Monday 11-11-2019

Last week, a third party compromises user data, hackers attack digital points of sale, and SMBs struggle to hire top cybersecurity talent. United States – Exploit: Unauthorized database Domain name registration and web services provider Risk to Small Business: 2.111 = Severe: An unauthorized third party accessed’s network, which compromised their

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Data Breach, Cyber Alert Monday 11-04-2019

Last week, ransomware takes business infrastructure offline, spear-phishing campaign costs local government thousands, and executives continue to ignore spooky cybersecurity risks. United States – Billtrust  Exploit: Ransomware attackBilltrust: B2B billing service provider Risk to Small Business: 2.333 = Severe: A ransomware attack crippled Billtrust’s customer-facing systems, forcing them to bring all infrastructure offline to

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: SMB Edition

During the month of October, Cybersecurity Awareness Month reminds us of a category of crime that continues to inflict taxpayers and companies with damages amounting to billions of dollars annually. Staying updated on the latest attack types and prevention techniques is the only way to future-proof your organization. Here are

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Data Breach, Cyber Alert Monday 10-14-2019

 Last week, hackers make a sport of exploiting online gamers’ data, unauthorized database breach affect software firm, and business leaders lament today’s data landscape. United States – Zynga  Exploit: Unauthorized database accessZynga: Social game development company Risk to Small Business: 2 = Severe: Hackers gained access to the company’s database, which exposed the

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